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Exact time with seconds in United Kingdom and timezones
The United Kingdom is divided into four standard timezones:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): This is the standard timezone of the UK and Ireland, used for most of the year. The clocks in GMT are not adjusted for daylight savings time.
British Summer Time (BST): This is the timezone used during the summer months when the clocks are adjusted for Daylight Savings Time. BST is one hour ahead of GMT and is used in the UK from March until October.
British Double Summer Time (BDST): This timezone is used during the summer months when the clocks are adjusted for both Daylight Savings Time and British Summer Time. BDST is typically two hours ahead of GMT and used in the UK from March until October.
UTC+00:00: This is the international standard for the UK and includes the islands of the British Isles and Ireland. UTC is not adjusted for daylight savings time like GMT and BST are.