Exact time with seconds in Panama and timezones

UTC-05:00 America/Panama
Friday, 27 December 2024

Panama Standard Time (PST) is the timezone used in Panama, a country located in Central America, which lies on the isthmus connecting North and South America. Panama Standard Time is UTC−05:00, the same as Eastern Standard Time in the United States and Canada. During Daylight Saving Time, Panama Standard Time is UTC −04:00, the same as the Eastern Daylight Time used in the US and Canada.

Most parts of Panama are on Panama Standard Time year-round. The only exception is the stretch of the Costa Rican border in Darién Province, along with most of the San Blas Islands. This area is an hour ahead of Panama Standard Time, UTC −06:00, the same timezone as used in Costa Rica.

As Panama is in the tropics, sunrise and sunset times throughout the year remain about the same, with most locations experiencing sunrise around 6:00am and sunset around 6:00pm PST.

Panama on the map

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