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Exact time with seconds in Ukraine and timezones
Ukraine is located in the Eastern European Time Zone, which is GMT+2 (2 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time). During most of the year, Ukraine observes Daylight Saving Time (DST) and the time zone changes to GMT+3 (3 hours ahead of UTC).
Ukraine is divided into 24 timezones according to the Ukrainian Law on Time Zones. Each timezone has its own name, abbreviation, and associated city. The capital city, Kyiv, is located in Kyiv Timezone (KUYT), which is the same as Eastern European Time (EET). The other timezones in Ukraine are Ivano-Frankivsk (IEVT), Chernivtsi (CHTV), Dnipropetrovsk (DNPT), Donetsk (DOOT), Kherson (KHET), Kharkiv (HRKT), Kremenchuk (KRET), Lutsk (LVKT), Lviv (LVTV), Mykolaiv (MYKT), Odesa (ODET), Poltava (PLTV), Rivne (RIVT), Sumy (SMUT), Ternopil (TRNT), Uzhhorod (UZHT), Vinnytsia (VINY), and Zhytomyr (ZHYT).
Time in Ukraine is represented by the 24-hour standard, with 00:00 the start of the 24-hour clock.